Dining out in Benijofar

Tonight we are trying a restaurant in Benijofar called Fratelli´s!Offering Homemade Italian cuisine, which has been recommended by a friend of ours. We will let you know our feedback. Any one else tried this restaurant?


The meal last night was fantastic and the atmosphere was excellent. Every table was taken so would suggest booking a place before you go. We had the 4 course menu de la noche. The four of us had a variety of different choices but I had sardines to start with, for the main I had fusilli pasta with panchetta in a tomato based sauce, dessert was a lovely homemade almond cake and we finished this with a coffee at the end. Plus we had at least 3 drinks each all for a fantastic price of 57 euros. The 4 courses are 12.50 per person. Great and very enjoyable evening. We recommend Fratelli´s to anyone who enjoys good Italian food at a reasonable price.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-05-22 08:39:42 UTC

Can you tell me what days they are open and where is the restaurant exactly. Oh and do you have a tel number. Much appreciated!

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-05-22 12:04:02 UTC

Hi js,
I believe they are opened on Monday - Saturday from 6.00pm - 11.00pm and their phone number is 966713645.
Let us know what you think! Thanks

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-05-23 08:35:15 UTC

Thank you for all the info re Fratelli´s.
Will let you know what we think! js

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-05-23 08:54:57 UTC